Norges Bank

Bicentenary project, Working Paper

Financial crises and monetary expansion

Ola Honningdal Grytten
Working Paper

On the basis of data from the Historical Monetary Statistics-project by Norges Bank, the present paper serves a threefold purpose. In the first place it gives an overview of financial crisis in Norway from her independence from Denmark in 1814 till present times. Secondly, historical business cycles are mapped and we conclude that the major financial crises were mirrored in significant slumps in the real economy. Thirdly, the paper investigates credit and monetary developments, and concludes that the major financial crises in Norway typically took place after substantial money and credit expansion causing overheating and bubbles to the economy.


Working Papers inneholder forskningsarbeider og utredninger som vanligvis ikke har fått sin endelige form. Også andre faglige analyser fra økonomer i Norges Bank utgis i serien. Synspunkter og konklusjoner i arbeidene står for forfatternes regning.

Norges Bank Working Papers distribueres også gjennom RepEc og BIS Central Bank Research Hub.

ISSN 1502-8190 (online)

Published 29 December 2011 12:00
Published 29 December 2011 12:00