Business Cycles in Small Open Economies
Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm, 13-14 September 2019
Sveriges Riksbank in cooperation with the Bank of Canada, Norges Bank, Reserve Bank of Australia, and Reserve Bank of New Zealand, is organizing a conference to discuss new theoretical and empirical research on the determinants of business cycles in small open economies and implications for policy. The conference will be held in Stockholm, Sweden on September 13th and 14th, 2019. The topics to be covered during the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Monetary, fiscal and macro prudential policies in open economies.
- Trade and financial links between economies.
- Cross-border spillovers and policy coordination.
- The neutral rate of interest in open economies.
- Exchange rate determination.
- Relevance of Dominant, Produce and Local Currency Pricing Behavior.
- Inflation and output gap determination in open economies.
- Macroeconomic and welfare implications of commodity price fluctuations.
- Monetary or fiscal policy responses to commodity price fluctuations.
- Interactions between commodity prices, financial markets and the economy.
Professors Jordi Galí (UPF, CREI and CEPR), Giancarlo Corsetti (University of Cambridge and CEPR), and Charles Engel (University of Wisconsin) have confirmed their participation as keynote speakers.
Conference program
Program committee
- Paola Di Casola (Sveriges Riksbank)
- José Dorich (Bank of Canada)
- Punnoose Jacob (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)
- Stefan Laséen (Sveriges Riksbank)
- Jesper Lindé (Sveriges Riksbank)
- Yasin Mimir (Norges Bank)
- Adam Richardson (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)
- Conny Olovsson (Sveriges Riksbank)
- John Simon (Reserve Bank of Australia)