50-krone note - motifs
Size in mm: 128 x 60. Notes with annual figures from 2003 have been upgraded with a broader security thread and with the text "Norges Bank". Notes with annual figures from 2008 (printed abroad) have a letter in front of the serial number.

The motif on the obverse is a portrait of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen. The background is based on Asbjørnsen's story "A summer night in Krogskogen" and also creates associations with his profession as a forester.
The 12-sided form is intaglio, encircles a hexagon resembling a spider web and encompasses a number of security features.
Willow twine is portrayed over the watermark on the left side of the obverse. In the Norwegian folk tale "The princess that no one could silence", the main character, Per Askeladden tied willow twine around the magpie to keep it from falling apart in the oven. Willow twine is also used for tethering cows, in fencing and on panniers. It may also symbolise Asbjørnsen's exceptional ability to gather the best folk tales from the oral tradition.
Designed by graphic designer Sverre Morken.

The reverse is also based on "A summer night in Krogskogen".
Many of us have experienced the stillness of a woodland tarn and the feeling of magic as we glance into the water and see the reflections of clouds overhead, hear the buzzing of a dragonfly and perceive the fragrance of flowering water lilies. Many Norwegian artists have been inspired by this experience. Theodor Kittelsen's drawings of this motif are the most famous.
The key in the lower right-hand corner is a symbol used by Asbjørnsen in the fairytale "The storehouse key on the distaff" where the farm boy cunningly exposes the arrogance and deceit of the couple whom he had thought were to be his in-laws. By extension the key may also symbolise an openness to contact with fairies and goblins.
Designed by graphic designer Arild Yttri.