Norges Bank

The annual address - facts and history

The annual address is the annual speech delivered by the Governor of Norges Bank to Norges Bank's Supervisory Council and a number of invited guests. This tradition started in 1922.


Annual address by Governor Ida Wolden Bache (in Norwegian)

Title and content

The title of the address since Hermod Skånland delivered his first address in 1986 has been "Economic perspectives". Former governors had largely discussed and used the title "the economic situation". Since 1986 greater emphasis has been placed on discussing a broader range of themes of relevance to addressing economic policy challenges.

Who is invited?

Around 300 persons attend the event. The guests represent various institutions and industries: politicians (the President and Vice-President of the Storting (Norwegian parliament) and the members of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, the heads of some standing committees, party leaders, the full cabinet), public sector, courts, academia, employer and employee organisations, financial industry, trade organisations, large companies, youth organisations and cultural life. 

Dates for the annual address since 1922


Edited 11 February 2025 11:00
Edited 11 February 2025 11:00