Publications - other publishers
Norges Bank's role in society in a historical perspective
Stefano Ugolini (2012), “Bagehot for beginners: The making of lending of last resort operations in the Mid-19th Century” (with Vincent Bignon and Marc Flandreau), Economic History Review, forthcoming (also available as Norges Bank Working Paper 2009/22).
Stefano Ugolini (2012), Where it all began: Lending of last resort and the Bank of England during the Overend-Gurney Panic of 1866 (with Marc Flandreau), in Michael D. Bordo and William Roberds (eds.), A return to Jekyll Island: The origins, history, and future of the Federal Reserve, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming (also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 8362 and Norges Bank Working Paper 2011/3).
Stefano Ugolini (2012), The origins of foreign exchange policy: The National Bank of Belgium and the quest for monetary independence in the 1850s, European Review of Economic History, 16:1, 2012, pp. 51-73 (also available as Norges Bank Working Paper 2010/22).
Stefano Ugolini (2012), Foreign exchange reserve management in the 19th century: The National Bank of Belgium in the 1850s, in Anders Ögren and Lars Fredrik Øksendal (eds.), The gold standard peripheries: Monetary policy, adjustment and flexibility in a global setting, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 107-29 (also available as Norges Bank Working Paper 2011/7).
Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2012), “Freedom for manoeuvre - the gold standard experience of Norway, 1874-1914”, chapter 3 in Anders Ögren and Lars Fredrik Øksendal (eds.) ”The gold standard peripheries: Monetary policy, adjustment and flexibility in a global setting” Palgrave Macmillan
Anders Ögren and Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2012) “The Euro and the gold standard: What are the lessons?” (with Anders Ögren), chapter 12 in Anders Ögren and Lars Fredrik Øksendal (eds.), The gold standard peripheries: Monetary policy, adjustment and flexibility in a global setting” Palgrave Macmillan
Harald Espeli (2011), ”Norges Bank, Administrasjonsrådet og etableringen av okkupasjonskontoen i 1940”, Historisk Tidsskrift, Bind 90, s. 559–584. (In Norwegian only)
Jan Tore Klovland (2011),”A great hundred years of timber freights, 1757-1876”’, Research in Maritime History, bind 46, s. 1-29.
Stefano Ugolini (2011), An ‘atypical’ case? The first emergence of Brussels as an international financial centre 1830-1860, in Laure Quennouëlle-Corre and Youssef Cassis (eds.), Financial centres and international capital flows in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 47-70.
Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2011), “Dividend policy i Norwegian banking before 1914”, Financial History Review 2/2011
Ola Mestad, ”Noregs Bank som aksjeselskap i 1816 – selskapsrettsleg forankring av stabilt pengevesen” i «Selskap, kontrakt, konkurs og rettskilder: festskrift til Mads Henry Andenæs 70 år» av Woxholth, Normann og Knudsen (red.) Gyldendal, Oslo (2010) (In Norwegian only)
Monica Værholm and Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2010), “Leaving the anchor: Monetary policy in neutral Norway during the First World War”, The International History Review, 4/2010.
Jan Tore Klovland (2009),”New evidence on the causes of the fluctuations in ocean freight rates in the 1850s”’, Explorations in Economic History, bind 46, s. 266-284.
Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2009), "Bank rate policy in Norway, 1893-1914", Scandinavian Economic History Review, 3/2009
Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2009), "Re-examining Norwegian monetary policy in the 1930s" in Olsson, Sven-Olof (ed.) Managing crises and de-globalisation, Routledge Explorations in Economic History, 2009 pp 66-81.
Jan Tore Klovland (2008),”The construction of ocean freight rate indices for the mid-nineteenth century”’, International Journal of Maritime History, bind 20, s. 1-26.
Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2008), "In search of a greater economic entity: The Sterling Area episode of the early 1950s reconsidered", Contemporary European History 4/2008
Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2007), "The impact of the Scandinavian Monetary Union on financial market integration", Financial History Review (2/2007)
Lars Fredrik Øksendal (2007), "Multilateralism and domestic policy in the early 1950s: explaining the case of Norwegian ambiguity", Review of international political economy (14:4 October 2007)