The department monitors, communicates and analyses relevant developments in money and capital markets.
The department is responsible for:
- in central banking operations, maintaining a comprehensive overview of market developments
- ensuring the capacity and ability to deal with crises in the financial system
- efficiently managing overall liquidity in the banking system
Executive Director: Gaute Langeland
Departmental units:
International Markets
The unit manages the portion of Norway's foreign exchange reserves invested in fixed income instruments. In addition, the unit is responsible for transactions in foreign exchange markets on behalf of the government.
Director: Arnes Osnes
Domestic Markets
The unit is responsible for managing overall liquidity in the banking system to ensure that the Committee's decisions on the policy rate are transmitted to short-term money market rates.
Director: Ketil Rakkestad
Government Debt Management
The unit is responsible for issuing and managing government debt in accordance with a mandate laid down by the Ministry of Finance.
Director: Marie Norum Lerbak
The unit is responsible for measuring and managing the financial risk associated with the items on Norges Bank's balance sheet, including the foreign exchange reserves. The unit also performs support and control functions for the Markets department's trading and investment activities.
Director: Roger Rake
Tel: +47 22 31 61 60
Foreign exchange:
+47 22 31 66 00
Government debt:
+47 22 31 61 40