Norges Bank

Redistribution of Norges Bank's webcasts

Media and other companies may redistribute Norges Bank's webcasts. A publishing point will be established.

How to obtain a publishing point:

  • Contact to request an agreement on the use of a publishing point.
  • You will then receive an e-mail containing the text of the agreement, which you must confirm the receipt of and accept.
  • After you have sent your acceptance, you will receive a new e-mail containing the publishing point that you are to use.

Agreement on the use of publishing points from Norges Bank

This agreement confirms routines and rights relating to redistribution via publishing points of Norges Bank's webcasts on

  1.  For redistribution of streaming video or audio, a dedicated publishing point will be established with limited access at which the individual medium can receive a stream.
  2. The medium must bear its own costs associated with redistributing the content to its users over its own servers.
  3. Users shall be informed that all rights to the content belong to Norges Bank.

Contact the webcast provider

Tel. (+47) 33 80 91 19 (dial 1). The line is staffed two hours before and during the webcasts.

Edited 13 February 2023 10:40