Norges Bank

Payment statistics

Norge Bank publishes annual statistics on developments in retail payment services. The statistics include the number and value of customer transactions, such as payments using various types of payment card, debit and credit transfers (online banking, AvtaleGiro, etc.) and ATM withdrawals.

Retail payment services 2023

Retail payment services 2022

Retail payment services 2021

Retail payment services 2020

Retail payment services 2019

Retail payment services 2018

Retail payment services 2017

Retail payment services 2016

Developments in retail payment services – 2015

Developments in retail payment services – 2014

Developments in retail payment services - 2013

Annual report on payment system 1998-2012

Edited 25 May 2023 10:00
Edited 25 May 2023 10:00