Norges Bank

Banking statistics

Statistics for the Norwegian banking sector, including financial institution type, market shares, Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio, lending, credit losses and defaults.

Banking statistics at 31 December 2023 – tables (xlsx)

Spreadsheet contents:

Table 1: Credit to households and corporates by credit source. Gross domestic credit
Table 2: Gross lending to customers. Banks and covered bond mortgage companies
Table 3: Gross lending to the corporate sector. Banks and covered bond mortgage companies
Table 4: Assets and liabilities of Norwegian-owned banks and covered bond mortgage companies
Table 5: Structure of the Norwegian financial industry
Table 6:  Market shares of banks and mortgage companies in Norway
Table 7: Rating by Moody's, total assets, leverage ratio, Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio and return on equity for Nordic and Norwegian banks
Table 8: Banks’ and covered bond mortgage companies’ losses on loans to various industries (main groups) and sectors as a percentage of lending to the respective industries and sectors. 1986-2023
Table 9: Banks’ and covered bond mortgage companies’ losses on loans to various industries (detailed) and sectors as a percentage of lending to the respective industries and sectors. 1997-2023
Table 10: Loan defaults. Banks and covered bond mortgage companies. 1990-2023

About the data

Until 2022, these tables were attached as tables or charts to the Financial Stability Report. Some of the tables have been extended with extra columns for a longer history.

The tables will be updated annually. Note that Statistics Norway is responsible for collecting, compiling and publishing official statistics for banking and financial markets.

Several tables in the spreadsheet are based on Norges Bank’s aggregation of microdata from Statistics Norway’s database for banking statistics (ORBOF).


Edited 16 May 2024 13:30