Price calculator
The price calculator allows you to calculate the equivalent value of 100 1900-kroner in 2003, or the corresponding value of 3000 1990-kroner in 1816.
Calculate price inflation
*You can calculate how prices have changed in Norway over time, from 1492 up to last year. Note that the result is presented in the monetary unit entered in the amount field. Use the table below to convert the amount to another monetary unit. The Norwegian krone was introduced in 1874.
On the use of the price calculator when transitioning between different monetary units
When using the price calculator, make sure that the starting amount is stated in the monetary unit you want to calculate inflation in. The conversion between the different monetary units in Norway from 1492 is done by multiplying with an adjustment factor according to the following table:
If you want to calculate inflation of 100 riksdaler from year 1800 to kroner in year 2014, do the following conversion: 100 * 0.0833 = 8.33. You then enter 8.33 in the field for amount and select from the year 1800 to the year 2014. The calculator then calculates the amount in 2014-kroner, adjusted for inflation over the period 1800-2014.
If you want to calculate inflation of 100 riksdaler from year 1800 to speciedaler in 1860, do the following conversion: 100 * 0.0208 = 2.08. You then enter 2.08 in the field for amount and select from the year 1800 to the year 1860. The calculator then calculates amounts in 1860 speciedaler adjusted for inflation over the period 1800-1860.