Norges Bank

Bank liquidity

Accumulated effect on liquidity from 1 January, mill. NOK

Kategori 17. Dec 16. Dec 13. Dec 12. Dec 11. Dec 10. Dec 9. Dec 6. Dec 5. Dec 4. Dec
1. Government accounts -75035 -83728 -82996 -82851 -84824 -135860 -71928 -67656 -68602 -77053
- Incoming payments customs and excise duties -95724 -95579 -95451 -95375 -95275 -95187 -95070 -95042 -94994 -94967
- Incoming payments VAT -568844 -568159 -567620 -566818 -565222 -560647 -492625 -484982 -482614 -480917
- Net payments tax -866614 -867072 -857272 -856888 -856285 -856136 -856070 -855977 -855545 -854426
- Payments NAV 671258 671020 667977 667805 667577 627065 626851 625895 625651 625428
- Payments local authorities 228149 228147 228144 228142 228142 228129 228129 228128 228127 228126
- Payments oil tax -425943 -425943 -425942 -425938 -425938 -425938 -425938 -425938 -421757 -421757
- Net payments health 289564 287471 287185 286701 286562 286343 286123 285798 285622 278268
- Payments SDFI 79832 79832 79806 79806 79805 79323 79323 79304 79302 78925
- Other net payments 613287 606555 600177 599714 595810 581188 577349 575158 567606 564267
2. Government bonds and Treasury bills -42096 -42225 -42203 -41925 -41816 -41642 -42037 -41709 -39961 -40393
- Issuance of government bonds -106000 -106000 -106000 -106000 -106000 -106000 -106000 -106000 -104000 -104000
- Maturity of government bonds 64795 64795 64795 64795 64795 64795 64795 64795 64795 64795
- Repurchase agreements in government bonds -264 -393 -570 -292 -155 94 -69 294 -268 -700
- Issuance of Treasury bills -61000 -61000 -61000 -57000 -57000 -57000 -57000 -57000 -57000 -57000
- Maturity of Treasury bills 56000 56000 56000 52000 52000 52000 52000 52000 52000 52000
- Repurchase agreements in Treasury bills 4373 4373 4572 4572 4544 4469 4237 4202 4512 4512
3. FX purchases for the GPFG 90400 90250 90100 89950 89800 89650 89500 89350 89200 89050
4. Other FX transactions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Notes and coins 1859 1945 1982 2009 2023 2081 2153 2224 2224 2173
6. Net liquidity from Norges Bank 22198 31198 29198 29198 33698 83248 17198 17198 17198 22198
Change total liquidity -2674 -2560 -3919 -3619 -1119 -2523 -5114 -593 59 -4025

Banks' deposits and loans in Norges Bank

Liquidity holdings, mill. NOK

Kategori 17. Dec 16. Dec 13. Dec 12. Dec 11. Dec 10. Dec 9. Dec 6. Dec 5. Dec 4. Dec
Sight deposits 34902 35041 33640 33947 36487 35095 32493 36994 37522 33439
Reserve deposits 364 339 380 374 334 322 333 353 477 477
F-deposits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F-loans 5000 14000 12000 12000 16500 66050 0 0 0 5000
Other financing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D-loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Changed display for liquidity statistics

From January 2024, the previous pdf files are replaced with the tables above.