Norges Bank

Bank liquidity statistics

Statistics and forecasts for bank liquidity in Norway. Published every Monday and Thursday at 12 noon with a lag of two business days.

Banks' liquidity (data warehouse)

Bank liquidity

Accumulated effect on liquidity from 1 January, mill. NOK

Kategori 16. Jan 15. Jan 14. Jan 13. Jan 10. Jan 9. Jan 8. Jan 7. Jan 6. Jan 3. Jan
1. Government accounts 9239 -21453 82752 85654 85079 81836 74315 68965 67067 59189
- Incoming payments customs and excise duties -504 -411 -304 -276 -220 -187 -165 -124 -94 -77
- Incoming payments VAT -2174 -1832 -1618 -1489 -1297 -929 -851 -765 -665 -512
- Net payments tax -108548 -129414 -19662 -14160 -12060 -11116 -11231 -13265 365 876
- Payments NAV 16286 16167 16032 15850 15087 14889 14740 14603 952 215
- Payments local authorities 24577 24565 24556 24556 24555 24555 24545 24545 24545 24545
- Payments oil tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- Net payments health 23753 23454 23126 23166 22937 22827 22467 22153 22032 21631
- Payments SDFI 5641 5639 5638 5613 4462 4459 4458 4458 4458 4099
- Other net payments 50208 40379 34984 32394 31615 27338 20352 17360 15474 8412
2. Government bonds and Treasury bills -4939 -4712 -3321 -3383 -3413 -1292 -1119 -1093 26 -165
- Issuance of government bonds -3000 -3000 -3000 -3000 -3000 0 0 0 0 0
- Maturity of government bonds 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 0 0 0 0 0
- Repurchase agreements in government bonds -728 -217 -53 -60 -80 -60 -186 -127 -8 -99
- Issuance of Treasury bills -2000 -2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- Maturity of Treasury bills 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- Repurchase agreements in Treasury bills -361 -645 -1418 -1473 -1483 -1232 -933 -966 34 -66
3. FX purchases for the GPFG 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0
4. Other FX transactions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Notes and coins 678 623 591 531 505 394 298 288 218 232
6. Net liquidity from Norges Bank -9920 21080 -86891 -86891 -85920 -85920 -76920 -69920 -65920 -61920
Change total liquidity -2692 -2462 -5119 -2589 -2499 -3982 -2676 -1260 1641 -2664

Banks' deposits and loans in Norges Bank

Liquidity holdings, mill. NOK

Kategori 16. Jan 15. Jan 14. Jan 13. Jan 10. Jan 9. Jan 8. Jan 7. Jan 6. Jan 3. Jan
Sight deposits 34892 35128 32418 34969 35089 33608 34915 36330 38282 34676
Reserve deposits 40 35 88 67 38 35 35 34 984 285
F-deposits 60000 29000 137000 137000 136000 136000 127000 120000 116000 112000
F-loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other financing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D-loans 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 0 0 0