Norges Bank

Bank liquidity statistics

Statistics and forecasts for bank liquidity in Norway. Published every Monday and Thursday at 12 noon with a lag of two business days.

Banks' liquidity (data warehouse)

Bank liquidity

Accumulated effect on liquidity from 1 January, mill. NOK

Kategori 18. Feb 17. Feb 14. Feb 13. Feb 12. Feb 11. Feb 10. Feb 7. Feb 6. Feb 5. Feb
1. Government accounts -40153 -33421 338 4085 -3170 -6268 -27428 44624 49799 48582
- Incoming payments customs and excise duties -18817 -8787 -8226 -8096 -7998 -7964 -7934 -7638 -7598 -7413
- Incoming payments VAT -101664 -101287 -100689 -99939 -99010 -97375 -91478 -17481 -10519 -8036
- Net payments tax -160823 -159632 -122274 -114938 -114191 -113845 -113643 -113378 -112961 -112587
- Payments NAV 64704 64532 63758 63682 63555 63299 63120 62308 62222 62023
- Payments local authorities 49979 49979 49963 49962 49962 49962 49720 49720 49720 49715
- Payments oil tax -68338 -68212 -68212 -68212 -68212 -68212 -68212 -68212 -68206 -68206
- Net payments health 44310 44036 43680 43731 43638 43480 43146 42806 42664 42429
- Payments SDFI 15055 15055 15055 15010 15010 13857 13856 13845 13845 13656
- Other net payments 135441 130895 127283 122885 114076 110530 83997 82654 80632 77001
2. Government bonds and Treasury bills -33917 -32369 -32803 -32170 -32261 -10152 -10856 -11115 -11780 -12029
- Issuance of government bonds -32000 -32000 -32000 -32000 -32000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000
- Maturity of government bonds 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300
- Repurchase agreements in government bonds 284 464 56 369 318 427 -148 -403 -1068 -1295
- Issuance of Treasury bills -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000
- Maturity of Treasury bills 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- Repurchase agreements in Treasury bills -501 867 841 1161 1121 1121 992 988 988 966
3. FX purchases for the GPFG 8500 7900 7900 7600 7300 7000 6700 6400 6100 5800
4. Other FX transactions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Notes and coins 1213 1181 1184 1158 1160 1100 1025 1040 1024 986
6. Net liquidity from Norges Bank 58080 58080 18080 18080 25080 8780 25080 -41920 -43420 -41920
Change total liquidity -6277 1371 -5301 -1247 -1891 460 -5479 -971 1723 1419

Banks' deposits and loans in Norges Bank

Liquidity holdings, mill. NOK

Kategori 18. Feb 17. Feb 14. Feb 13. Feb 12. Feb 11. Feb 10. Feb 7. Feb 6. Feb 5. Feb
Sight deposits 30835 38565 31989 35977 35376 37742 31813 36571 39265 38961
Reserve deposits 514 431 335 402 358 343 334 83 83 83
F-deposits 0 0 32000 32000 25000 41300 25000 92000 93500 92000
F-loans 8000 8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other financing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D-loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0