Norges Bank publishes statistics related to a number of the bank's responsibilities.
Related links
- Bank liquidity statistics Statistics and forecasts for bank liquidity in Norway. Published every Monday and Thursday at 12 noon with a lag of two business days. Banks' liquidity (data warehouse)
- Banking statistics Statistics for the Norwegian banking sector, including financial institution type, market shares, Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio, lending, credit losses and defaults.
- Exchange rates Norges Bank's exchange rates are middle rates, i.e. the mid-point between buying and selling rates in the interbank market at a given time. The exchange rates are only intended to serve as an indication, and are not binding on Norges Bank or other banks. Publication time of daily exchange rates is approximately 16:00 CET.
- Foreign exchange transactions Statistics on foreign exchange transactions are based on daily turnover data gathered from predefined reporting banks constituting a representative selection of the largest banks in the NOK market.
- Foreign exchange transactions on behalf of the government Norges Bank’s daily foreign exchange transactions.
- Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Norway (HMFS) Historical data typically go back to the early years after Norges Bank was founded in 1816, with the notable exception of prices which go back to 1726 and 1492 respectively.
- Inflation indicators The data is updated at 2 pm on the same day Statistics Norway publishes the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
- Money market data Norges Bank publishes aggregated money market data based on bank’s reporting to Norges Bank (RPD).
- Notes and coins - statistics The figures are updated annually in January/February.
- Nowa data Nowa (Norwegian Overnight Weighted Average) is the interest rate on unsecured NOK loans between banks that are active in the Norwegian overnight market.
- Norwegian Government securities Every business day after 4:15 pm, Norges Bank publishes the best bid and ask yield for each government bond or Treasury bill based on quotations in the interdealer market. In addition, generic yields and estimated zero coupon yields are estimated for different maturities.
- Payment statistics Norge Bank publishes annual statistics on developments in retail payment services. The statistics include the number and value of customer transactions, such as payments using various types of payment card, debit and credit transfers (online banking, AvtaleGiro, etc.) and ATM withdrawals.
- Policy rate Daily observations
- Price calculator The price calculator allows you to calculate the equivalent value of 100 1900-kroner in 2003, or the corresponding value of 3000 1990-kroner in 1816.