Norges Bank

Co-financing for hiring

NBAP may co-finance junior professorships in macroeconomics and financial economics at academic institutions in Norway.

The programme for co-financing of junior professorships provides funding to reduce the salary differences between job offers outside of Norway and the salary offered for some junior positions in macroeconomics and financial economics at academic institutions in Norway.

The programme has been established to strengthen the ability of academic institutions in Norway to recruit in highly competitive, international markets for academic personnel, targeting individual new recruits with high potential for excellence in research and teaching in financial economics.

Principles for the programme Co-Financing of Junior Professorships (pdf)

How to apply

The application package for NBAP Co-Financing of Junior Professorships should include the following documents:

  • A description of the candidate and motivation for applying for Co-financing
  • Documentation of the job offer from the Norwegian academic institution (including the offered wage, type of position and teaching requirements)
  • Documentation of any other financial sources
  • The full job market package (including cover letter, research statement, CV, letter of references, and job market paper)
  • Documentation of other offers, fly-out list and articles that are either accepted or that are revise and resubmit at a journal.
  • An overview of the gender balance of full professors, associate professors and assistant professors at the Norwegian academic institution.

Outside offers and fly-out lists must be documented with a copy of the offer letter to the candidate / copy of the fly-out invitations from academic institutions to formal recruitment interviews. In the absence of a written offer, the Head of Department or other authorized person at the host institution must have summarised all relevant terms of the outside offer. Articles that are accepted or that are revise-and-resubmit at a journal must be documented with the letter from the Editor.

Send application to Norges Bank 


Published 12 December 2022 12:00

Co-financing awarded


  • Dimitrii Pugachev (NHH, Department of Finance)


  • Annika Bacher (BI Norwegian Business School, Department of Economics)
  • Elizaveta Sizova (NHH, Department of Finance)
Published 12 December 2022 12:00