Inference in Macro Models: Forecasting with Big Data, BVARs and SVARs Course
Since 2020, Norges Bank offers an annual PhD course to the community of PhD students.
Professors Domenico Giannone (University of Washington and CEPR) and Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University and NBER) will teach the second edition of the course from 9 May to 13 May, 2022.
Limited funding to attend the course is available for doctoral students enrolled in Norwegian universities. The course is registered with the Department of Economics at BI Norwegian Business School.
Time table:
Monday and Tuesday:
9:00-10:30 (Auditoriet)
11:00-12:30 (Auditoriet)
13:45-15:30 (Auditoriet)
9:00-10:30 (Auditoriet)
11:00-12:45 (Auditoriet)
Thursday and Friday:
9:00-10:30 (Kongsberg)
11:00-12:45 (Kongsberg)
Contact person: Nicolò Maffei Faccioli, Researcher