Ørjan Robstad
Ass. Director
Norges Bank
Bankplassen 2
P.O. Box 1179 Sentrum
0107 Oslo
Research interests
Monetary economics, macroeconometrics and macroeconomics.
Papers at the second round
Estimating hysteresis effects (joint with Francesco Furlanetto, Antoine Lepetit, Juan Rubio-Ramirez and Pål Ulvedal ). Working paper version New Version (March 2021)
Work in progress
Immigration and Inequality: New Macroeconomic Evidence (joint with Francesco Furlanetto and Samad Sarferaz)
Dormant papers
Financial imbalances, crisis probability and monetary policy in Norway (joint with Ragna Alstadheim and Nikka Husom Vonen). Working paper version.
Norges Bank Output Gap Estimates: Cyclical Sensitivity, Reliability and Forecasting Properties (2022) (joint with Francesco Furlanetto, Kåre Hagelund and Frank Hansen ).Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, accepted. Working paper version
The macroeconomic effects of forward communication (2022) (joint with Leif Brubakk, Saskia ter Ellen and Hong Xu), Journal of International Money and Finance 120. Working paper version.
Immigration and the Macroeconomy: Some New Empirical Evidence (2019) (joint with Francesco Furlanetto). Review of Economic Dynamics 34, 1-19. Working Paper version.
House prices, credit and the effect of monetary policy in Norway: Evidence from Structural VAR Models (2018). Empirical Economics 54, 461-483. Working paper version.
Staff memo
Finding DORY (joint with Jørgen Landsem, Erlend Njølstad, Kenneth Sæterhagen Paulsen and Magnus Åstebøl). 2022
Estimates of the neutral rate of interest in Norway (joint with Leif Brubakk and Jon Ellingsen). 2018
Model estimates of the output gap (joint with Kåre Hagelund and Frank Hansen). 2018
Documentation of NEMO - Norges Bank's core model for monetary policy analysis and forecasting (joint with Karsten R. Gerdrup, Erling Motzfeldt Kravik and Kenneth Sæterhagen Paulsen). 2017
Effects of a new monetary policy loss function in NEMO (joint with Kathrine Lund). 2012