Vegard H. Larsen
Senior researcher/Special adviser
Mobile: +47 45 83 11 55
E-mail: Vegard-Hoghaug.Larsen@Norges-Bank.no
External homepage: vegardlarsen.com
Office: A5-324
Norges Bank
Bankplassen 2
P.O. Box 1179 Sentrum
0107 Oslo
Research Interests
Macro- and monetary economics, time series econometrics, machine learning methods and natural language processing
On going research projects:
Climate Risk and Commodity Currencies
with Leif Anders Thorsrud and Felix Kapfhammer.
The positive relationship between real exchange rates and natural resource income is well understood and studied. However, climate change and the transition to a lower-carbon economy now challenges this relationship. We document this by proposing a novel news-media-based measure of climate change transition risk, and show that when such risk is high, major commodity currencies experience a persistent depreciation and the relationship between commodity price fluctuations and currencies tends to become weaker
Business cycle narratives
with Leif Anders Thorsrud
This article quantifies the epidemiology of media narratives relevant to business cycles in the US, Japan, and Europe (euro area). We do so by first constructing daily business cycle indexes computed on the basis of the news topics the media writes about. At a broad level, the most important news narratives are shown to be associated with general macroeconomic developments, finance, and (geo-)politics. However, a vast set of narratives contributes to our index estimates across time, especially in times of expansion. In times of trouble, narratives associated with economic fluctuations become more sparse. Likewise, we show that narratives do go viral, but mostly so when growth is low. While narratives interact in complicated ways, we document that some are clearly associated with economic fundamentals. Other narratives, on the other hand, show no such relationship, and are likely better explained by classical work capturing the market’s animal spirits.
Asset returns, news topics, and media effects
with Leif Anders Thorsrud
Scandinavian Journal of Economics (accepted).
News media v. FRED-MD for macroeconomic forecasting
with Jon Ellingsen and Leif Anders Thorsrud.
Journal of Applied Econometrics (accepted).
Narrative monetary policy surprises and the media
with Saskia ter Ellen and Leif Anders Thorsrud.
Journal of Money, Credit & Banking (accepted).
Components of uncertainty
International Economic Review 2021, 62(2), 769-788.
News-driven inflation expectations and information rigidities
with Leif Anders Thorsrud and Julia Zhulanova.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021, 117, 507-520.
Business cycles in an oil economy
with Drago Bergholt and Martin Seneca.
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2019, 96, 283-303.
The value of news for economic developments
with Leif Anders Thorsrud.
Journal of Econometrics 2019, 210(1), 203-218.
Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability
with Hilde C. Bjørnland and Junior Maih.
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2018, 10(4), 128-51.
Other writings:
House price prediction using daily news data
Staff Memo Norges Bank 5/2021
Sentralbankkommunikasjon gjennom media
Bankplassen (07.01.2021)
How central banks reach the general public
VoxEU (08.12.2020)
Hvor høy er den økonomiske usikkerheten?
Bankplassen (03.09.2019)
Hvordan formes husholdningenes inflasjonsforventninger?
Bankplassen (26.08.2019)
Are narratives associated with economic fundamentals or better understood as capturing the market’s animal spirits?
Bankplassen (07.05.2018)
Do narratives relevant for business cycles go viral?
Bankplassen (27.04.2018)
Business cycle narratives
Bankplassen (18.04.2018)