Ragna Alstadheim
Special Advisor
Norges Bank
Bankplassen 2
P.O. Box 1179 Sentrum
0107 Oslo
Research interests
Applied macroeconomics, monetary economics, banking and international finance.
Ragna Alstadheim is a Special Advisor in the Financial Stability Department. She obtained her PhD at Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
- 2021 (With Hilde Bjørnland and Junior Maih): Do central banks respond to exchange rate movements ? A markov-switching structural investigation of commodity exporters and importers. Energy Economics, Vol. 96, April 2021 (forthcoming)
- 2017 (With Øistein Røisland): When preferences for a stable interest rate become self defeating. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol 49, March-April 2017. Working Paper version is here.
- 2016: The zero lower bound on the interest rate and a Neo Classical Phillips Curve, Journal of Macroeconomics.
- 2006 (With Dale W. Henderson:) Price-Level Determinacy, Lower Bounds on the Nominal Interest Rate, and Liquidity Traps, in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Contributions) nr 6 - 1, art. 12. Working paper version
Working papers
- With Hilde Bjørnland and Junior Maih : Do central banks respond to exchange rate movements ? A markov-switching structural investigation of commodity exporters and importers. CAMP Working Papres No. 12/2020.
- With Christine Blandhol (2018): The global financial cycle, bank capital flows and monetary policy. Evidence from Norway. Working Paper 2018/2.
- With Nikka Husom Vonen and Ørjan Robstad (2017): Financial imbalances, crisis probability and monetary policy in Norway. Working Paper 2017/21.
- With Hilde C. Bjørnland and Junior Maih: (2013) Do Central Banks Respond to Exchange Rate Movements? A Markov-Switching Structural Investigation Working Paper 2013/24 .
- How New Keynesian is the US Phillips Curve? Working Paper 2013/25.
- Is the price level in Norway determined by fiscal polic? Working Paper 2005/5.
Other material
- Bond market fire sales and turbulence in the Norwegian FX Market in March 2020. With Kjell Bjørn Nordal, Olav Syrstad, Saskia Ter Ellen and May-Iren Walstad Wassås. Staff memo 2/2021
- Banks’ wholesale funding share as an indicator of financial vulnerability. Staff Memo 7/2020.
- Financial stability considerations in monetary policy: Chapter 5 in Report from Norges Bank's "Review of flexible inflation targeting". 2017.
- Exchange rate regimes in Norway, 1816-2016. Staff memo 15/2016.
- Discussion of Coenen and Warne (2014): Risks to price stability, the Zero Lower Bound, and Forward Guidance. International Journal of Central Banking.
- Monetary Policy Analysis in Practice. Staff memo 11/2010. With Ida Wolden Bache, Amund Holmsen and Junior Maih: (2010)
- A study of the interest rate structure of private sector assets and liabilities. Economic Bulletin No. 4 1994. With Robert Madsen.
Work in Norwegian
- Om nye virkemidler i pengepolitikken. Avgrensning mellom penge- og finanspolitikken. Aktuell kommentar 1/2011
- Valutapolitisk samarbeid i ØMUs tredje fase. Med Anders Svor. Penger og Kreditt 1996/2.
- Valutamarked og Valutapolitikk. Kapittel 2 i Norges Banks Skriftserie Nr. 23: "Norske Finansmarkeder, Norsk Penge- og Valutapolitikk. 1995.
- Dereguleringen av valutamarkedet: Virkning på kapitalbevegelsene, og betydning for valutastatistikk og -kontroll. Med Yngvar Holm. Penger og Kreditt 1993/2.
- Kapitalbeskatning i åpen økonomi. Hovedoppgave til HAE, NHH 1991.
Ragna Alstadheim is a Special Advisor in the Financial Stability Department. She obtained her PhD at Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
- Bond market fire sales and turbulence in the Norwegian FX Market in March 2020. With Kjell Bjørn Nordal, Olav Syrstad, Saskia Ter Ellen and May-Iren Walstad Wassås. Staff memo 2/2021
- Banks’ wholesale funding share as an indicator of financial vulnerablity. Staff Memo 7/2020.
- With Christine Blandhol (2018): The global financial cycle, bank capital flows and monetary policy. Evidence from Norway. Working Paper 2018/2.
- Blog-post about the global financial cycle and Norwegian banks' funding
- With Nikka Husom Vonen and Ørjan Robstad (2017): Financial imbalances, crisis probability and monetary policy in Norway. Working Paper 2017/21.
- 2021 (With Hilde Bjørnland and Junior Maih): Do central banks respond to exchange rate movements ? A markov-switching structural investigation of commodity exporters and importers. Energy Economics, Vol. 96, April 2021 (forthcoming)
- Bond market fire sales and turbulence in the Norwegian FX Market in March 2020. With Kjell Bjørn Nordal, Olav Syrstad, Saskia Ter Ellen and May-Iren Walstad Wassås. Staff memo 2/2021
- 2016. Exchange rate regimes in Norway, 1816-2016. Staff memo 15/2016
- 2013. With Hilde C. Bjørnland and Junior Maih: (2013) Do Central Banks Respond to Exchange Rate Movements? A Markov-Switching Structural Investigation Working Paper 2013/24
- Valutapolitisk samarbeid i ØMUs tredje fase. Med Anders Svor. Penger og Kreditt 1996/2.
- Valutamarked og Valutapolitikk. Kapittel 2 i Norges Banks Skriftserie Nr. 23: "Norske Finansmarkeder, Norsk Penge- og Valutapolitikk. 1995.
- Dereguleringen av valutamarkedet: Virkning på kapitalbevegelsene, og betydning for valutastatistikk og -kontroll. Med Yngvar Holm. Penger og Kreditt 1993/2.
Ragna Alstadheim is a Special Advisor in the Financial Stability Department. She obtained her PhD at Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
- With Christine Blandhol (2018): The global financial cycle, bank capital flows and monetary policy. Evidence from Norway. Working Paper 2018/2.
- 2017 (With Øistein Røisland): When preferences for a stable interest rate become self defeating. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol 49, March-April 2017. Working Paper version is here.
- Financial stability considerations in monetary policy: Chapter 5 in Report from Norges Bank's "Review of flexible inflation targeting". 2017.
- Monetary Policy Analysis in Practice. Staff memo 11/2010. With Ida Wolden Bache, Amund Holmsen and Junior Maih. 2010.
- 2016: The zero lower bound on the interest rate and a Neo Classical Phillips Curve, Journal of Macroeconomics.
- 2006 (With Dale W. Henderson:) Price-Level Determinacy, Lower Bounds on the Nominal Interest Rate, and Liquidity Traps, in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Contributions) nr 6 - 1, art. 12.
- Discussion of Coenen and Warne (2014): Risks to price stability, the Zero Lower Bound, and Forward Guidance. International Journal of Central Banking.