Rate decision March 2023
At its meeting on 22 March 2023, the Committee decided to raise the policy rate from 2.75 percent to 3 percent.
Policy rate raised to 3 percent
Norges Bank's Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Committee has unanimously decided to raise the policy rate from 2.75 percent to 3 percent.
The Committee assesses that a higher policy rate is needed to curb inflation. Inflation is markedly above target. Growth in the Norwegian economy is slowing, but economic activity remains high. The labour market is tight, and wage growth is on the rise.
“There is considerable uncertainty about future economic developments, but if developments turn out as we now expect, the policy rate will be raised further in May”, says Governor Ida Wolden Bache.
Since the December Report, energy prices have shown a pronounced fall, and consumer price inflation has been lower than projected. On the other hand, unemployment has been a little lower than projected, and there are signs that the slowdown in the Norwegian economy will be less pronounced than expected in December. Higher wage growth and a weaker krone than projected earlier push up inflation ahead. It is therefore the Committee’s view that the policy rate needs to be increased to a somewhat higher level ahead than projected earlier in order to bring inflation down to target.
The future path of the policy rate will depend on economic developments. If the krone proves weaker than projected, or pressures in the economy persist, a higher policy rate than currently projected may be needed to bring inflation down to target. If inflation falls faster or unemployment rises more than projected, the policy rate may be lower than projected.
The policy rate forecast has been revised up from the December Monetary Policy Report and indicates a rise in the policy rate to around 3.5 percent in summer.
Norges Bank will hold a press conference following the monetary policy decision in May.
Rate effective from 24 March 2023:
- Policy rate: 3.00 %
- Overnight lending rate: 4.00 %
- Reserve rate: 2.00 %
Press telephone: +47 21 49 09 30
Email: presse@norges-bank.no
Higher policy rate to bring inflation down to target
Introductory statement by Governor Ida Wolden Bache at press conference following announcement of the policy rate.
Chart 1: Policy rate raised from 2.75 to 3 percent
Norges Bank's Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Committee has decided to raise the policy rate by 0.25 percentage point to 3 percent.
Norges Bank's task is to keep inflation low and stable. The operational target is inflation of close to 2 percent over time. We are also mandated to keep employment as high as possible and to promote economic stability.
Chart 2: Inflation markedly above target
Inflation has moderated a little recently but is still too high. In February this year, consumer prices were 6.3 percent higher than one year earlier, which is markedly higher than the inflation target. Prices for many goods and services have risen more than normal.
In recent months, energy prices have shown a pronounced fall. As a result, inflation has been slightly lower than expected.
We have raised the policy rate substantially over the past year, and the effects of the past rate hikes are not yet fully evident. Growth in the Norwegian economy is slowing, but activity is still high and the labour market is tight. At the same time, wage growth is on the rise, and the krone exchange rate has depreciated considerably. These developments will push up inflation and imply that the policy rate must be set higher than we envisaged earlier for inflation to return to target.
Price stability is essential for a well-functioning economy. High inflation is weakening household purchasing power, and lower-income households with the smallest margins are being hit hardest. Borrowers are facing higher interest rates on top of high inflation, and many will be coping with tighter budgets. But by raising the policy rate, we are helping to bring down inflation, which is in everyone’s interest.
Chart 3 Turbulence in international banking markets
In recent weeks, problems at certain US and Swiss banks have led to large movements in global financial markets. Equity markets have fallen, and risk premiums in money and bond markets have increased a little. Expectations for both Norwegian and international policy rates have declined markedly.
We are not seeing any signs of liquidity problems for Norwegian banks. Norwegian banks are profitable, well capitalised and well positioned to cope with losses and market stress. Households and firms appear to have ample access to credit. We are closely monitoring developments and we are always prepared to take the measures required to safeguard financial stability if needed.
Let me say a little more about the economic outlook and our assessments.
Chart 4 Persistently high Inflation among trading partners
Inflation is also high among our trading partners, although it has recently moderated a bit. Labour markets are tight. With the lifting of pandemic-related restrictions in China and lower energy prices, activity among trading partners will likely be higher than we had anticipated earlier.
High inflation has prompted central banks in many countries to raise policy rates to the highest levels since the 2008 financial crisis.
Over the past year, foreign interest rates have risen more than Norwegian rates. Combined with the turbulence in financial markets, this has probably contributed to the depreciation of the krone. The krone is now considerably weaker than we envisaged in December.
A weaker krone means an increase in prices for imported goods and services in krone terms. This will contribute to sustaining inflation in Norway.
Figure 5. High employment
Activity in the Norwegian economy has been higher than expected. Employment is high and unemployment is low. At the same time, we have seen an increase in labour force participation, which is a welcome development.
Growth in the economy will likely be weaker ahead, but the slowdown appears to be less pronounced than projected in December. The enterprises in our regional network report slightly better prospects than before Christmas, but there are wide variations across industries.
In the secondary housing market, prices have risen somewhat in recent months, but the number of homes for sale is quite high. New home sales are very low. We expect a modest decline in house prices ahead as a result of higher interest rates.
Chart 6 Wage growth on the rise
Wage growth is rising and reached the highest level seen in over a decade last year, turning out higher than we had expected. This can be ascribed in large part to a tight labour market and improved profitability in some business sectors.
The social partners expect wage growth to rise further this year, and expectations have increased in recent months. Wage growth is projected to be around 5 percent this year, which is higher than we projected in December. While wage growth did not keep pace with price growth last year, we expect wage inflation to be slightly higher than price inflation this year.
Higher wage growth means higher business costs, which will likely also contribute to sustaining inflation.
Figure 7. Further rate rise most likely in May
It is our responsibility to ensure that inflation falls to 2 percent. At the same time, we will avoid raising the policy rate beyond that needed to curb inflation.
There is considerable uncertainty about future economic developments, but we will most likely raise the policy rate again in May, followed by a further rise to around 3.5 percent in summer. This could mean an increase in the residential mortgage rate to between 4½ and 5 percent.
Chart 8 Prospects for lower inflation and somewhat higher unemployment
In our current projections, inflation falls back towards 2 percent over the next years.
And if developments turn out as we expect, inflation will return to target with little rise in unemployment. We project some rise in unemployment, but from a very low level, and a slightly smaller rise than we anticipated in December.
Wage growth is expected to slow from next year, but lower inflation will probably result in firm growth in purchasing power in the years ahead.
Let me emphasise that the forecasts are precisely that – forecasts – and not a promise. If the krone proves weaker than projected, or pressures in the economy persist, a higher policy rate than currently projected may be needed to bring inflation down to target. If inflation falls faster or unemployment rises more than projected, the policy rate may be lower than projected.
Press conference in connection with policy rate decision March 2023 (In Norwegian)
Monetary policy assessment
Norges Bank's Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Committee decided to raise the policy rate from 2.75% to 3% at its meeting on 22 March. There is considerable uncertainty about future economic developments, but the Committee’s current assessment of the outlook and balance of risks implies that the policy rate will most likely be raised further in May.
Improved international growth prospects
Consumer price inflation among Norway’s main trading partners has receded somewhat in recent months but is still high. Gas and electricity prices have fallen substantially, and futures prices are lower than in December. The decline in energy prices has contributed to curbing consumer price inflation, and in some countries underlying inflation has also moderated slightly. Global freight rates have declined further and are close to pre-pandemic levels.
Economic activity among trading partners softened a little in 2022 Q4. High consumer price inflation and rising interest rates are weakening household purchasing power and dampening activity. At the same time, lower gas and electricity prices will help underpin activity in 2023, particularly in the euro area. The lifting of containment measures in China will also provide additional impetus to global activity. GDP growth among Norway’s trading partners is expected to be subdued in 2023 but somewhat higher than anticipated earlier. Labour markets are tight, and wage growth is high in many countries. This may contribute to sustaining underlying inflation.
Source: Refinitiv Datastream
High inflation has prompted central banks in many of Norway’s trading partner countries to raise policy rates to the highest levels since the 2008 financial crisis. In recent weeks, problems at certain banks in the US and Switzerland have led to heightened financial market volatility. Global equity indexes have declined, oil prices have dropped and expectations for both Norwegian and international policy rates have decreased markedly. Market-based expectations for policy rates among Norway’s main trading partners are nevertheless somewhat higher overall than in December.
Policy rates and estimated forward rates. Percent
Sources: Bloomberg, Refinitiv Datastream and Norges Bank
Significantly weaker krone
Over the past year, international interest rates have risen more than Norwegian interest rates. Combined with the recent increase in financial market turbulence, this has likely caused the krone exchange rate to depreciate, and the krone is now significantly weaker than projected in the December Report. The risk premiums in the money market and bond market have increased a little in recent weeks. Norwegian banks are well poised to weather losses and market turbulence given their solid profitability, capital adequacy and liquidity. Creditworthy households and firms appear to have ample access to credit. Interest rates on corporate loans have increased a little since December, and residential mortgage rates have risen broadly in line with expectations.
Import-weighted exchange rate index. I-44
Sources: Refinitiv Datastream and Norges Bank
Improved growth outlook for Norway too
There is a high level of activity in the Norwegian economy. Norwegian mainland GDP increased further in 2022 Q4 and was higher in January than projected in December. Around the end of 2022, car purchases contributed to a marked increase in household consumption, most likely because car purchases were brought forward due to the announced car tax changes from 2023. Low car sales so far this year are expected to push down economic activity a little in 2023 Q1.
GDP for mainland Norway. Seasonally adjusted. Index. February 2020 = 100
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank
The labour market is tight. Employment has risen further and has been higher than projected. Unemployment has remained low. At the same time, labour shortages appear to have eased. The share of enterprises in Norges Bank’s Regional Network reporting that labour shortages are limiting output fell further in 2023 Q1.
Regional Network enterprises report some improvement in the outlook since the end of 2022, and now expect activity to hold steady in the period to summer. Enterprises also report slightly stronger profitability. There are wide differences across industries. Oil services contacts expect a sharp rise in activity as a result of high investment in the petroleum industry, while the construction industry expects a fall in production, partly owing to weak new home sales. Prices for existing homes have been higher than expected, and the number of unsold homes has declined. Nevertheless, house prices are expected to fall slightly ahead.
Capacity utilisation and labour shortages according to the Regional Network. Percentage shares
Source: Norges Bank
There are prospects that growth in the Norwegian economy will slow in 2023, but that activity will be higher than projected in the December Report. Strong petroleum investment and a rise in exports are expected to contribute to sustaining activity, while a substantial decline in household real disposable income pushes down consumption in 2023. The saving ratio fell markedly towards the end of 2022, and the current projections indicate that households will continue to draw on savings this year. Higher real wage growth is expected to push up consumption further ahead. Substantial investments related to climate transition are also expected to boost activity further out.
Prospects of high inflation for a longer period
Inflation in Norway is high and markedly above the target of 2%. The 12-month rise in the consumer price index (CPI) has slowed slightly since autumn and was 6.3% in February, lower than projected in the December Report. Underlying inflation indicators have risen a little since December. The 12-month rise in the CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products (CPI-ATE) was 5.9% in February, as projected earlier. Prices for many goods have risen rapidly, and higher services prices have recently become an increasingly prominent driver of inflation.
Inflation expectations have risen over the past year, according to Norges Bank's expectations survey. Long-term expectations are somewhat above 2%.
Wage growth increased to 4.3% in 2022 and was higher than projected. The rise in wage growth must partly be seen in the context of a tight labour market. At the same time, wage expectations for 2023 have increased, and the social partners expect wage growth to be higher in 2023 than in 2022. Annual wage growth in 2023 is now projected at 5.1%, which is higher than in the December Report.
Lower energy prices are expected to curb consumer price inflation ahead, while the past depreciation of the krone and higher wage growth will contribute to sustaining underlying inflation for longer.
CPI and CPI-ATE. Twelve-month change. Percent
Source: Statistics Norway
Policy rate raised to 3%
The objective of monetary policy is annual consumer price inflation of close to 2% over time. Inflation targeting shall be forward-looking and flexible so that it can contribute to high and stable output and employment and to counteracting the build-up of financial imbalances.
The Committee assesses that a higher policy rate is needed to curb inflation. Inflation is markedly above target. Growth in the Norwegian economy is slowing, but economic activity remains high. The labour market is tight, and wage growth is on the rise.
Since the December Report, energy prices have shown a pronounced fall, and consumer price inflation has been lower than projected. On the other hand, unemployment has been a little lower than projected, and there are signs that the slowdown in the Norwegian economy will be less pronounced than expected in December. Higher wage growth and a weaker krone than projected earlier push up inflation ahead. It is therefore the Committee’s view that the policy rate needs to be increased to a somewhat higher level ahead than projected earlier in order to bring inflation down to target.
The policy rate forecast has been revised up from the December Report and indicates a rise in the policy rate to around 3.5% in summer. Inflation is projected to moderate and approach the target somewhat further ahead. Capacity utilisation is expected to decline and lie somewhat below a normal level in the coming years. Unemployment is set to increase somewhat, albeit from a low level.
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank
The future path of the policy rate will depend on economic developments. In its discussion of the balance of risks, the Committee was concerned with the substantial uncertainty over the potential impact of the turbulence in financial markets on financial conditions and the prospects for the Norwegian economy. There is also uncertainty about the future path of the krone and the potential effects of high inflation on wage and price formation. At the same time, the effects of the past rate hikes are not yet fully evident. Moreover, it is uncertain to what extent households will tighten consumption in response to high inflation and higher interest rates.
If the krone proves weaker than projected, or pressures in the economy persist, a higher policy rate than currently projected may be needed to bring inflation down to target. If inflation falls faster or unemployment rises more than projected, the policy rate may be lower than projected.
The Committee voted unanimously to raise the policy rate by 0.25 percentage point to 3% at its meeting on March 22. There is considerable uncertainty about future economic developments, but the Committee’s current assessment of the outlook and balance of risks implies that the policy rate will most likely be raised further in May.
Ida Wolden Bache
Pål Longva
Øystein Børsum
Ingvild Almås
Jeanette Fjære-Lindkjenn
22 March 2023
Monetary policy report 1/2023
Read the report (web edition)- Series:
- Monetary Policy Report
- Number:
- 1/2023
In the version of MPR published at 10 am 23 March, Table 2a showed seasonally adjusted inflation data. The table has now been changed to show unadjusted data.
In table 3, "Mainland demand" in 2026 has been changed from 0.0 to 1.8 percent.
