Norges Bank

Norway's financial system 2024


The financial system


The report Norway’s Financial System provides a general overview of the financial system in Norway, its tasks and how these tasks are carried out. 

The introduction provides an overall overview of all the components of  the financial system.

Read the introduction

Key figures for Norway's financial system

  • NOK 5127bn
    Gross domestic product in Norway

  • NOK 3855bn
    GDP Mainland Norway

  • 175%
    Debt-to-GDP ratio

Financial markets

Section 1

Section 1 describes the various markets: the money, bond, foreign exchange and equity markets, and the financial derivatives markets.

Read section 1

Key figures financial markets

  • NOK 2884bn
    Total domestic bonds outstanding

  • NOK 1972bn
    Assets under management in mutual funds

  • NOK 2550bn
    Total assets of insurance companies

Financial institutions

Section 2

Section 2 discusses the most important financial institutions: banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, pension schemes and various funds, etc in addition to Norges Bank, which itself is part of the financial system.

Read section 2

Key figures financial institutions

  • 123
    Number of banks

  • NOK 6674bn
    Loans from financial institutions to private individuals, businesses and local governments

  • NOK 3488bn
    Bank deposits

Financial infrastructure

Section 3

Section 3 describes the financial system infrastructure, which includes the payment system and systems for the payment and transfer of securities, foreign currency and derivatives.

Read section 3

Key figures financial infrastructure

  • 550
    Card transactions per capita per year

  • 724m
    Online payments using Norwegian payment cards

  • NOK 40bn
    Cash in circulation

Norway's financial system
29 August 2024 15:30