Norges Bank

Survey of Bank Lending

Some tightening of credit standards for households

Survey of Bank Lending

Banks reported falling household credit demand in the 2010 Q1. Corporate credit demand continued to increase according to banks. Banks expect higher credit demand ahead for both households and enterprises. Credit standards for households were tightened somewhat, while credit standards for enterprises were eased further in 2010 Q1. In the period ahead, banks expect broadly unchanged credits standards for households and a further easing for enterprises.

In its work on monitoring financial stability in Norway, Norges Bank uses extensive statistics on developments in credit and financial markets. In order to expand the information base, Norges Bank conducts a quarterly survey of bank lending. The survey provides information on changes in the demand for and supply of credit and on changes in banks’ loan terms and conditions. Objective of the Bank Lending Survey

Published 22 April 2010 10:00
Published 22 April 2010 10:00