Norges Bank

Financial Stability Report

Financial Stability Report 2017: vulnerabilities and risks

1 Risk outlook

  • 1.1 Global risk outlook
  • 1.2 Vulnerabilities in the Norwegian financial system
  • Box: Key vulnerabilities in the Norwegian financial system
  • 1.3 Measures to mitigate vulnerabilities
  • Box: Driving forces behind European commercial property prices prior to a sharp fall in prices
  • Box: A heatmap for monitoring systemic risk
  • Box: New regulatory framework on recovery and resolution in the banking sector
  • Special Feature: Increase in digitalisation and financial stability

2 Bank profitability and solvency

  • 2.1 Solid capital adequacy
  • Box: Banks' credit risk on corporate loans
  • 2.2 Stress test – bank solvency in the event of a pronounced downturn
  • Box: New accounting rules will change the way banks recognise credit impairment

3 Bank funding

  • 3.1 New requirements could change the composition of bank funding
  • Box: Minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL)
  • 3.2 Liquidity regulation finalised
  • 3.3 Focus: Funding of consumer credit banks
  • Box: Liquidity in the Norwegian bond and short-term paper market

4 Household debt and the link to the housing market

  • 4.1 Exposure to debt varies with the life cycle
  • 4.2 Risk of default and shifts in consumption
  • Box: What explains the increase in household debt?
  • Box: The importance of parents' economic position for first-home buyers


  • The Norwegian banking sector
  • Regulatory reform

See also the press release The financial system is vulnerable to high debt 

In its bi-annual Financial Stability Report, Norges Bank assesses the financial stability outlook. The Report discusses cyclical and structural developments in financial markets, the Norwegian economy, banks and other financial institutions. Assessments of the countercyclical capital buffer and other recommendations for measures to safeguard financial stability are made on the basis of vulnerabilities, risks and resilience in the financial system. See all Financial stability reports

ISSN 1503-8858 (online).

Published 2 November 2017 10:00
Published 2 November 2017 10:00