Norges Bank

Press release

Temporary changes in the Guidelines for pledging securities for loans from Norges Bank

Norges Bank’s Guidelines for pledging securities for loans from Norges Bank (Circular 1/2016) will be temporarily revised.

The changes take effect immediately:

  • The required minimum outstanding volume of securities in NOK issued by a private entity is reduced to NOK 100 million (Section 2.7, first paragraph)
  • The required minimum outstanding volume of securities in foreign currency issued by a private entity is reduced to the equivalent of EUR 50 million (Section 2.7, second paragraph)
  • For securities other than Norwegian government securities, the maximum limit of 20 percent of the issue's (ISIN) volume outstanding is removed (Section 2.7, third paragraph). There is no upper limit on the collateral a borrower can pledge per ISIN.
  • Securities in NOK guaranteed by local government authorities are exempt from the credit rating requirement.

The changes apply until further notice.

See circular 1/2016: Guidelines for pledging collateral for loans from Norges Bank


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 18 March 2020 20:15