New book: A Monetary History of Norway 1816-2016
The last book in Norges Bank's bicentenary series "A Monetary History of Norway 1816-2016" provides and overview of Norway's monetary history through five distinct periods.
The authors are:
- Øyvind Eitrheim – Director at Norges Bank
- Jan Tore Klovland – Professor of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen
- Lars Fredrik Øksendal – Professor of History, associated with the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, and Norges Bank
More about the book
The monetary system had to be reconstructed after the Napoleonic Wars. The establishment of Norges Bank played a key role in the work to build up confidence in the payment system and monetary stability. The Norwegian private banking system went through a period of rapid expansion and an effective payment system saw the light of day. Norges Bank evolved from being the country's note-issuing institution into a modern central bank.
The book is amply illustrated using charts that shed light on the Norway's monetary history through 200 years supported by data from Norges Bank's Historical Monetary Statistics.
- Part I The Long Promise, 1816-1850
- Part II The Rise of Private Deposit-Taking Banks, 1850-1914
- Part III World War I and Turbulent Interwar Years, 1914-1940
- Part IV Money in Times of War, Central Planning and Regulation,1940-1986
- Part V The Long Return to Monetary Stability, 1986-2016
The book is published by Cambridge University Press, and can be purchased at Cambridge Books Online.
About Norges Bank's bicentenary book project
This book is one of four books published in conjunction with Norges Bank's bicentenary.
On Friday June 10, the history books "Norges Bank 1816-2016" and "Norges Bank 1816-2016 – A Pictorial History" were launched and are aimed at audience with an interest in history.
On Thursday 16 June 2016 the book "Central Banks at a Crossroads. What Can We Learn from History?" was launched. The book is published by Cambridge University Press and is aimed at an international audience of professionals.
Today the book "A Monetary History of Norway 1816-2016" is being launched. This book is also published by Cambridge University Press and is aimed at international audience of professionals.
Norges Bank's bicentenary book project is headed by Executive Director Harald Bøhn, Director Øyvind Eitrheim and Executive Director Jan F. Qvigstad.
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