Norges Bank

Press release

Norges Bank's foreign exchange purchases in April 2014

Norges Bank will not purchase foreign exchange for the Government Pension Fund Global in April 2014.

Norges Bank makes the transfers to the GPFG on behalf of the government. Transfers take place each month in foreign currency.  The Fund’s foreign exchange requirements are partly met by the state’s direct financial interest in petroleum activities (SDFI) and partly by Norges Bank’s purchases in the market.

Norges Bank’s estimates as at March 2014 indicate that there will probably be no need to purchase foreign exchange in the market in the coming months.

Please note that Norges Bank has today updated the information regarding the foreign exchange purchases for 2014.

For further information, see Foreign exchange purchases for GPFG


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 31 March 2014 10:00