Norges Bank

Press release

Foreign exchange to the Government Pension Fund Global in September 2014

Norges Bank will not conduct any foreign exchange transactions in the market in connection with the transfers to the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) in September 2014.

Norges Bank makes the transfers to the GPFG on behalf of the government. Transfers take place each month in foreign currency. Norges Bank primarily procures the necessary foreign exchange by purchasing foreign exchange from the SDFI (the State's Direct Financial Interest). If additional foreign exchange is needed to cover the monthly transfers, Norges Bank purchases the remaining amount in the market. If foreign exchange from the SDFI exceeds the transfers to the GPFG, Norges Bank sells the surplus amount in the market.


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 29 August 2014 10:00