Norges Bank

Press release

Continued marked output growth

According to Norges Bank’s regional network contacts, output continued to grow markedly through autumn. Contacts expect growth to slow somewhat over the next half year.

Activity in the household services sector picked up further and at the fastest pace since the network was established in 2002. The upswing was also relatively marked in the export industry, oil supplier industry, building and construction and commercial services. Growth was more moderate in retail trade and domestically oriented manufacturing.

Network contacts – in both the private and public sector – plan to increase investment in the coming year. The share of enterprises reporting capacity problems is increasing and is approaching its historical average. Nonetheless, relatively few contacts report shortages in the supply of qualified labour.

Employment has risen somewhat more than contacts envisaged in the previous round. A further rise in employment is expected ahead, especially in the service industry.

302 contact enterprises reported in this round. Interviews were conducted in November.


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 10 December 2010 10:00