Norges Bank

Press release

Norges Bank contributes to UN principles on investments

The document "Principles for Responsible Investment" was published today. The principles were developed by an international group of major institutional investors, on the basis of an initiative by the UN. Norges Bank has participated in this work at the invitation of the United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan.

Kofi Annan marked the occasion at a launch event at the New York Stock Exchange. Knut N. Kjær, executive director of Norges Bank Investment Management, was also present and gave a speech.

The principles deal with how fund management may relate to societal considerations. Signing investors believe that environmental, social and corporate governance issues can affect the performance of investment portfolios. The investors will incorporate these issues into analysis and decision-making. Furthermore, they will seek openness, be active owners and work together. Other investors are encouraged to adopt the principles.

"We manage assets for future generations and acknowledge the link between long-term return and the governance of companies, markets and economies," said Kjær. This is a key element in the ethical guidelines for the Government Pension Fund.

"We engaged in developing these Principles to help broaden the understanding of what drives long-term fund performance. Investors must collaborate to support well-regulated markets and sustainable development," Kjær said.

For further information on the initiative, see:

For comments, please contact:

Executive Director, Knut N. Kjær: Tel. +47 9010 0438
Head of corporate governance, Henrik Syse: Tel. +47 9306 2567

"Principles for Responsible Investment" brochure (PDF, 175 kB)

Address by Knut N. Kjær


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 27 April 2006 15:30