Norges Bank

Press release

Norges Bank recommends that MeritaNordbanken be allowed to acquire Christiania Bank (Kreditkassen)

In its consultative statement to the Norwegian Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission, Norges Bank recommends that MeritaNordbanken be allowed to acquire Christiania Bank (Kreditkassen). In its evaluation of the application, Norges Bank makes the stability of the Norwegian financial market a fundamental consideration. In addition, the Bank considers the effects on competition in the Norwegian market and the financial strength of the bank.

MeritaNordbanken Abp currently has limited operations in the Norwegian market, and the acquisition is expected to strengthen Christiania Bank’s competitiveness, which could contribute to more intense competition in the Norwegian market. The acquisition will not affect Christiania Bank’s capital adequacy.

Christiania Bank will remain an independent legal entity, and become a subsidiary of the Nordic Baltic Holding group. In the opinion of Norges Bank, the proposed corporate structure, with Christiania Bank as a subsidiary, is clear and straightforward and in line with the intentions of the Act relating to Financing Operations and Financial Institutions. The Nordic Baltic Holding group presents central banks with new challenges, and raises new questions. In consequence, the central banks of the Nordic countries have commenced an examination of the role of central banks in relation to financial conglomerates that operate in more than one Nordic country.


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 23 November 2000 10:00