Norges Bank

Occasional Papers

The Norwegian banking crisis

Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim and Bent Vale (eds.)
Occasional Papers


Chapter 1: The Norwegian banking crisis / Bent Vale

Chapter 2: Financial deregulation with a fixed exchange rate: Lessons from Norway's boom-bust cycle and banking crisis / Erling Steigum

Chapter 3: The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s - resolution methods and fiscal costs / Knut Sandal

Chapter 4: Economic costs associated with the Nordic banking crises / Christoph Schwierz

Chapter 5: Three booms and busts involving banking crises in Norway since the 1890s / Karsten R. Gerdrup

Chapter 6: Management of the banking crisis and state ownership of commercial banks / Hans Petter Wilse

Appendix A: Extract from Report No. 17 (1997-98) to the Storting on the Norwegian banking crisis / Thorvald G. Moe

Appendix B: The present value of central government investments in and support to Norwegian banks / Harald Moen

ISSN 0802-7188 (trykt), 1504-0577 (online)

Publisert 22. oktober 2004 15:00
Publisert 22. oktober 2004 15:00