Norges Bank

PhD internship programme

Norges Bank’s PhD internship program is directed toward PhD-students who are specializing within macroeconomics, econometrics, banking or finance. Internships will normally last three months. 

Interns are expected to collaborate closely with other researchers at Norges Bank, with the aim to pursue a project until publication in an international academic journal.

Candidates should be beyond the stage of first year PhD studies and should not be on the job market in the near future. Selection for internship positions will be based on a research statement of 2 pages, as well as CV and drafts of ongoing research. The research statement serves to ensure that the research interests of selected candidates align with the interests of Norges Bank.

During their stay, interns are expected to give at least one seminar, and to interact with both policy staff and fellow researchers. Co-authorship with Norges Bank staff is strongly encouraged. Within one year of starting the internship, the internship project should result in a Norges Bank Working Paper.

Accepted interns will have their travel costs to Norway covered, and receive a salary that covers accommodation and other costs of living in Norway.

Applications are submitted electronically through EconJobMarket.

Note that this a non-summer internship: interns are expected to be employed over the spring period (until mid june) or over the fall (after mid august).

Since 2012, 37 projects have been started.

Published papers:

  • Nikola Mirkov (St Gallen University): Announcements of Interest Rate Forecasts: Do Policymakers Stick to Them?, (2016),  joint with Gisle J. Natvik, Norges Bank Working Paper 2013/11. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking  48, 901-920.
  • Sergio Sola (Geneva University): Economic Uncertainty and the Influence of Monetary Policy, (2017), joint with Knut Are Aastveit and Gisle J. Natvik Norges Bank Working Paper 2013/17. Journal of International Money and Finance  76, 50-67.
  • Antoine Lepetit (Paris School of Economics): Labor Supply Factors and Economic Fluctuations, (2018),  joint with Claudia Foroni and Francesco Furlanetto. Norges Bank Working Paper 2015/7. International Economic Review 59, 1491-1510.
  • Barbara Sadaba (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Assessing the Predictability Ability of Sovereign Default Risk on Exchange Rates Returns, joint with Claudia Foroni and Francesco Ravazzolo. Bank of Canada Working Paper 2017/19. Journal of International Money and Finance 81, 242-264.
  • Marzie Taheri Sanjani (London Business School). Output Gap, Monetary Policy Trade-offs and Financial Frictions (2021), joint with Francesco Furlanetto and Paolo Gelain, Norges Bank Working Paper 2017/8. Review of Economic Dynamics 41, 52-70.
  • Nicoló Maffei Faccioli (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona): The decline of the labor share: new empirical evidence, joint with Drago Bergholt and Francesco Furlanetto. Norges Bank Working Paper 2019/18. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, vol 14., no. 3, July 2022.
  • Francesca Loria (European University Institute). Has the Fed responded to stock prices and House Prices? A Time-Varying Analysis, joint work with Knut Are Aastveit and Francesco Furlanetto. Norges Bank Working Paper 2017/1. Review of Economics and Statistics 105 (5): 1314–1324.
  • Bruno Albuquerque (University of Ghent): Changing supply elasticities and regional housing booms, joint with Knut Are Aastveit and André Anundsen. Norges Bank Working paper 2019/8. Journal of Money Credit and Banking, forthcoming.
  • Laura Pagenhardt (Humboldt University): Why do they care? The ECB in the media and inflation expectations, joint with Vegard Larsen and Nicolo' Maffei Faccioli. Norges Bank Working Paper 4/2023 Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming.
  • Talina Sondershaus (Halle Institute for Economic Research- IWH) : The effect of asset encumbrance on bank behavior: Evidence from the introduction of covered bonds in Norway, joint with Jin Cao and Ragnar E. Juelsrud. Norges Bank Working Paper 6/2021. Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.
  • Etienne Vaccaro Grange (University of Aix-Marseille): The death and resurrection of the Phillips curve, joint with Drago Bergholt and Francesco Furlanetto. Norges Bank Working Paper 2/2023 Review of Economics and Statistics, accepted.


Papers at the second round:


Working papers:


Work in progress:

  • Luca Fosso (University of Pavia): Macroeconomic Effects of the Gender Revolution, joint with Drago Bergholt and Francesco Furlanetto.
  • Greta Meggiorini (University of California Irvine): Speaking of Inflation: The influence of FED Speeches on Expectations, joint with Eleonora Granziera, Vegard Larsen and Leonardo Melosi.
  • Lorenzo Mori (University of Padova): A Tale of Procyclical Inequality: Facts and Implications, joint with Drago Bergholt and Francesco Furlanetto.
  • Francois Miguet (New York University): Household and Firm Balance Sheets: A Reevaluation of the Role of Financial Frictions for Entrepreneurship, joint with Sigurd Galaasen and Ragnar Juelsrud.
  • Jesper Böjeryd (UCLA): What Do 12 Billion Card Transactions Say About House Prices and Consumption?, joint with Knut Are Aastveit, Magnus A. H. Gulbrandsen, Ragnar Juelsrud and Kasper Roszbach.
  • Fabienne Schneider (University of Bern): Transaction costs and the cross section of safe asset convenience yields, joint with Ragnar Juelsrud, Plamen Nenov and Olav Syrstad.
  • Ismael Moreno Martinez (EUI): Portfolio choices and bank branches, joint with Jin Cao and Kasper Roszbach.


Interns in 2024:


Dormant projects:

  • Thomas Siemsen (Ludwig-Maximilians University): Stress Testing in a Structural Model of Bank Behavior, joint with Dean Corbae, Pablo D'Erasmo, Sigurd Galaasen and Alfonso Irarrazabal.
  • Rosen Valchev (Duke University): A structural estimation of a heterogeneous information model of exchange rates, joint with Alfonso Irarrazabal and Dagfinn Rime.
  • Jiaxiong Yao (Johns Hopkins University): Dissecting the Dynamics of Debt and Savings, joint with Andreas Fagereng and Gisle J. Natvik.
  • Cornelia Rösler (University of Zürich): Distribution and pricing of central bank liquidity, joint with Farooq Akram, Kjell G. Nyborg and Dagfinn Rime.
  • Roxana Mihet (Stern School of Business, New York University): Information Contagion through Central Bank Network, joint with Jin Cao.
  • Benjamin Beckers (DIW Berlin): Removing the Property Ladder? The Effect of Loan-to-Value Limits on the Housing Market, joint with Knut Are Aastveit, André Anundsen and Kjersti Næss Torstensen.
  • Meng Xie (Duke University): On-line Inference for Macroeconomic Forecasting, joint with Knut Are Aastveit and Leif Anders Thorsrud.
  • Ingomar Krohn (Warwick Business School): Currency Jumps in the Post Financial Crisis Era, joint with Saskia ter Ellen.
  • Patrick Moran (University of Oxford): The Importance of Optimism: How do Housing Experiences Impact Housing Choices, joint with Knut Are Aastveit and André Anundsen. 
  • Chloe Larkou (EUI): Monetary policy and portfolio rebelancing, joint with Saskia ter Ellen. 
Edited 4 October 2024 10:00